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Space Law Online Course



This 3-credit hour asynchronous online course will feature multimedia learning modules on the multiplicity of legal issues facing a space-faring world. Students will have the freedom to complete the learning modules at any time according to their own schedules.



When is the course being offered?

The course is offered during the regular fall semester. Because the course is asynchronous (using pre-recorded lectures), students can complete course modules at their own pace. This also allows anyone to enroll in the course regardless of your time zone. For specific dates regarding the first and last days of the course, please see the CSU|LAW Academic Calendar.

Who can enroll in the course?

Although designed for law students, enrollment is open to anyone in the world, including graduate students in other disciplines, undergraduate students, lawyers, space industry executives, and other professionals with an interest in the laws governing space activity.

How will the course be taught?

The course will be hosted on the Blackboard online learning platform. The course will adhere to the highest standards of online learning.

What will be expected of students during the course?

Over the fourteen-week semester, students will be expected to complete the following assignments every week. Since all lectures are prerecorded, students will be able to complete the assignments at any time at their convenience.

  • Two or three lectures or recorded interviews with space industry thought leaders (each of which lasts approximately 30-45 minutes.)
  • Two or three 10-minute student presentations, depending on the number of students (each student will give one presentation during the course)
  • Discussion board participation for 15 minutes five times a week (or the equivalent total of minutes over the course of a week).

What are the technical requirements for students?

Students need only have broadband access to the internet in order to attend the course. 

What will the course cover?

Students attending the course will receive a broad education in space law starting with the overarching international treaties that govern the activities of nations in space and ending with the domestic regulations of individual countries that play a major role in shaping the success of highly innovative new space companies. Other issues that will be covered include the use of force in space, liability for damage caused by space objects, questions of jurisdiction, the rescue and return of astronauts, remote sensing, property rights, asteroid mining, the allotment of orbital slots, export controls on space technology, financing space ventures, and contracting practices.

Who is teaching the course?

The course will be taught by the Director of the Global Space Law Center, Professor Mark J. Sundahl, a leading international space lawyer. The course will also feature guest lectures and interviews with thought leaders from government and industry.

What is the language of instruction?

The course is open to an international audience and will be taught in English.

How will students be evaluated?

Students will be evaluated by means of a two-hour online multiple choice final exam that can be taken, at the student’s preference, during any two-hour period during the two-day exam period.

Will I earn academic credit for the course?

Yes. The course is treated as a typical 3-credit-hour course at CSU College of Law. Please note that only your home institution can determine whether the credits earned at CSU|LAW by taking this course can be applied toward your degree at that institution.

Does the course comply with the ABA Standards (including distance learning requirements)?

Yes. The course has been designed to comply with the most recent ABA Standards including Standard 306 (Distance Education) and Standard 310 (Determination of Credit Hours for Coursework). Details regarding compliance with Standard 310 can be found below.

What is tuition for the course?

Tuition for this 3 credit-hour course is $3,343.35 (regardless of the U.S. state or country in which you live).

Is financial aid available?

Scholarships and grants are not available through CSU|LAW. Current law students should consult the financial aid administrator at their schools for aid eligibility. Professionals can contact their human resources/benefits administrator for any possible tuition benefits.

How can I enroll in the course?

Registration for the course is open and will remain open until the first day of instruction. To register, simply complete the online application form 

Who can I contact with questions?

If you have any questions about the course, send your question to gslcnull@law.csuohio.nulledu and we will respond promptly.

How can I receive updates regarding the course and the Global Space Law Center?

If you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive updates about the course and other initiatives of the Global Space Law Center, send an email with your name and email address to gslcnull@law.csuohio.nulledu.