Civil Litigation Student Presents Oral Argument Before the Ohio Ninth District Court of Appeals

Last week students in the Civil Litigation Clinic traveled to Elyria for an oral argument before the Ohio Ninth District Court of Appeals. The case is an appeal of an unemployment compensation decision denying benefits to the Clinic's client. Lauri Hartmann, a certified Legal Intern supervised by Emeritus Professor Kowalski, very ably and forcefully presented the argument to a panel of three judges. Shannon Ferry, who sat second chair for the argument, along with Clinic students Zoe Sapp and Nick Elrad, had helped Lauri prepare for the argument with moot court questions and discussions. In addition, students from Professor Kalir's Appellate Practice Clinic participated in a practice session, bringing fresh perspectives to the case. We now await the Court's decision.
Pictured left is Lauri at the podium following her oral argument.