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Tuition and Costs

Fall 2023 - Spring 2024- Summer 2024

2023-2024 Academic Year

FULL-TIME* STUDENT Tuition Fall 2023-Spring 2024

 Ohio ResidentNon-Ohio Resident
*Full-time tuition is based on 13 credit hours and above
**In accordance with State law, non-resident JD students pay a $50 per-semester surcharge on the instructional fee component of tuition
*RTA U-Pass Fee (required for all semesters) $40.00 fee assessed if enrolled in 1 or more credit hours on CSU's main campus; Athletic Fee:  $3 per credit hour, if enrolled in 9+ credit hours.


 Ohio ResidentNon-Resident
Tuition per credit hour$1,155.45*$1,159.30*/**
*RTA U-Pass Fee (required for all semesters) $40.00 fee assessed if enrolled in 1 or more credit hours on CSU's main campus; Athletic Fee:  $3 per credit hour, if enrolled in 9+ credit hours
**State law requires non-resident JD students pay a surcharge on the instructional fee component of tuition

Living Expenses 
to help you budget and to determine Cost of Attendance

Full-Time (13-18 credit hours)Academic Year          
Housing & Meals$22,440
Books & Supplies$1,500
Personal & Miscellaneous$2,000
Loan Fees$502

cost of attendance (coa) = tuition + living expenses

COA is the maximum you are eligible to borrow in student educational loans. 

Questions? Feel free to contact Cleveland State University's Campus411 All-in-1 office.

Phone: 216.687.5411

Email: allin1null@csuohio.nulledu