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2024 Space Law Symposium: Eliminating the Threat of Orbital Debris
Fri, Apr 12, 2024 12:00pm - 3:00pm

Global Space Law Center 2024 Annual Symposium


"A New Era of Responsibility in Space: Eliminating the Threat of Orbital Debris"

Man-made orbital debris poses the single greatest threat to the sustainable use of Earth’s orbit and puts at risk the space-based infrastructure on which society has become ever more reliant for everything from communications and navigation to tourism and national security. A series of new developments suggests that the international community is taking bold new steps to eliminate this risk and usher in a new era of responsible behavior in outer space, most notably the April 2022 U.S. moratorium on kinetic anti-satellite tests which has now gained significant international support.

Author and History Professor Heather Cox Richardson
Wed, Mar 6, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Moot Court Room

A Conversation and Book Signing with Author Heather Cox Richardson

Free and open to the public.

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Join CSU|LAW for an intimate conversation with author and political historian Heather Cox Richardson in the Moot Court Room about her latest book Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America.

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on Feb 26, 2024

Monday Morning Message 2.26.24 We Believe in You

“The brick walls are there for a reason...they are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something."   - Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

The Ohio Bar Exam is tomorrow and Wednesday. I want our most recent graduates, many of whom graduated last December, to know that we believe in them…… so I’ve taken the liberty of writing this brief message to them.

Serenity Prayer for CSU|LAW Bar Takers

God grant me the serenity to accept that I have prepared the best I can.

The courage to change from studying details to preparing my mind and body to breath, stay calm, and focus.

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on Feb 19, 2024

Monday Morning Message 2.19.24 27 Presidents

"I desire so to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end, when I come to lay down the reins of power, I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside me." – President Abraham Lincoln

With all due respect to America’s doctors, dentists, nurses, engineers, architects, and business executives, no profession is more responsible for producing America’s local, state, and national leaders than the legal profession.

No profession is more common among U.S. Presidents and among those who founded our country.

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on Feb 12, 2024

Monday Morning Message 2.12.24 A Law Degree That Fits Your Life and Jumpstarts Your Future.

“I imagine getting this program up and running has been a monumental lift, so I wanted to make sure you heard from me saying thank you. It would be difficult for me to be going to law school in person, given my circumstances and where I live, so this opportunity has been and is very important to me…..I want to thank all the folks who have worked tirelessly to pull this program together so that people like me can have an opportunity to study the law. – Student, CSU|LAW J.D. online part-time program

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on Feb 5, 2024

Monday Morning Message 2.5.24 Calling Out Hate

“Don’t hate what you don’t understand.” - John Lennon

“When you hear people making hateful comments, stand up to them. Point out what a waste it is to hate, and you could open their eyes.”  - Taylor Swift

Throughout this 2024 presidential election year, when divisions in our country run deep and are likely to run even deeper, I intend to write regularly about our obligation to call out and condemn hate with moral clarity, our need for civil discourse, our responsibility to defend democracy, and the enduring value of free speech. Most importantly, I will continue to emphasize the need to treat each other – including those with whom we disagree – with respect and understanding.

Journal of Law and Health with Gavel and Stethoscope
Fri, Feb 9, 2024 9:00am - 3:15pm

Journal of Law & Health Symposium

The CSU|LAW Journal of Law and Health presents its 2024 Symposium, "Expecting Inequity: Race, Class and Reproductive Justice" 

This Symposium will focus on racial disparities and health outcomes. Panelists will examine the implications of discrimination, racism, and marginalization of communities within maternal and infant health, geriatric health, Medicaid and Medicare services, and healthcare accessibility as it relates to health outcomes in a post-pandemic and post-Dobbs society. This year's keynote features renowned attorney, anthropologist, and professor at Berkeley Law, Khiara M. Bridges. The Symposium conference will be held virtually with a watch party on campus.

Pardoned Clients Judith Amicone and Jalina Lockhart with Clinic Director Khalida Sims and Assistant Director Kate Pruchnicki
Released on Jan 24, 2024

CSU|LAW Pardon, Clemency + Reentry Clinic Granted 5 Pardons in 2023

Pictured: Pardoned clients Judith Amicone and Jalina Lockhart; Clinic Director Khalida Sims Jackson and Co-director Kate Pruchnicki ‘16

The CSU|LAW Pardon, Clemency + Reentry Clinic (PCR Clinic) launched in 2022 to help individuals in Northeast Ohio continue to redefine themselves and their futures after a criminal conviction. In its first full year of operation in 2023, the Clinic experienced numerous successful outcomes.  That includes five pardons issued by Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. 

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on Jan 22, 2024

Monday Morning Message 1.22.24

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” – Maya Angelou

“I cannot believe the transformation I see in myself. I started out as an intimidated insecure caterpillar and it’s because of outstanding professors like you that I have transformed into a confident unstoppable butterfly.” - 2022 Graduate to Professor Heidi Robertson

As we begin the Spring 2024 semester and a new year, my message this morning is to our students, especially our first year students whose first semester grades were disappointing.

Monday Morning Message Banner
Released on Jan 16, 2024

Monday Morning Message 1.16.24: 12 Thoughts for 2024

Each January, I choose 12 quotes, one for each month of the year, to serve as my guideposts for the coming year. So here’s some wisdom to live by in 2024….