The Law Library provides numerous "Legal Research Seminars" to help students learn more about research resources and strategies. The Seminars cover The Bluebook, Lexis, Westlaw, other Library databases, and research in several legal topics. A list of our "Legal Research Seminars," with links to the recorded Seminars and their Quizzes, are provided below.
CSU|LAW students, including our MLS and LL.M. students, can earn points for completing "Legal Research Seminars." Points are earned by correctly answering 3/4 of the questions on that Seminar’s Quiz. Completed quizzes should be sent to Laura Ray, Outreach & Instructional Services Librarian, for review. Your Seminar points are good for the entire time you attend CSU|LAW. When 100 points are earned, you are awarded a Law Library "Legal Research Letter of Recognition" and a digital badge, which you can share on social networks, blogs, and websites. Multiple letters and digital badges can be earned.
Law Library Legal Research Seminars
* Seminars address cost-effective research or social justice research issues
- The Bluebook: Citing to Basic Sources (17:04 mins; 25 points; Quiz)
- The Bluebook for Seminar Papers & Notes (15:25 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- The Bluebook: Rule 18: The Internet, Electronic Media & Other Nonprint Resources (11:41 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- The Bluebook: Citing to Foreign Sources (13:58 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Finding Study Aids (15:55 mins; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Starting Research with Secondary Sources (20:44 mins; 25 points; Quiz)
- Lexis Overview (29:35 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Shepard's Citation Service - Lexis (18:10 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Westlaw Overview (26:09 mins; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- KeyCite Citation Service - Westlaw (14:08 mins; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Practical Law by Westlaw (12:45 mins; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- * Terms & Connectors Searching (12:13 mins; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- * Cost-Effective Searching on Lexis and Westlaw (14:00 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Federal Administrative Law (21:30 mins; 25 points; Quiz)
- * Cost Effective Federal Legislative History (15:51 mins; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- ProQuest Congressional (16:23 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Hannah Capitol Connection (14:40 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Ohio Primary Law Resources (28:07 mins.; 25 points; Quiz)
- Family Law Research Resources (11:59 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Researching Labor and Employment Law (27:51 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Health Law Research & Resources: Secondary Sources & Web Sites (13:49 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Researching Foreign Law (10:49 mins; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- HeinOnline (10:58 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Research on the Web (14:12 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Scholar Catalog (17:28 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Styles in Word (12:12 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
- Metadata (4:27 mins.; 12.5 points; Quiz)
For more information on the Law Library Legal Research Seminars, email us at research.servicesnull@law.csuohio.nulledu
Law Library "Legal Research Seminars" and Quizzes are also available on the Westlaw TWEN platform. To see the Law Library Legal Research Seminars TWEN course, you need to add it to your TWEN courses. Sign on to Westlaw and connect to TWEN. At the TWEN page, at the upper right, click the arrow next to "Manage Courses" and select "Add Course." The system will display a window with available Courses - select "CSU|Law Library Legal Research Seminars" then click the blue Add icon.